Sunday, August 31, 2008


Life's mysteries often leave us grappling with unanswered questions. Why does adversity seem to paint our existence in the most detestable hues? Why do things not always unfold as we desire or deserve? The pursuit of control over our lives raises further enigmas—who dictates our fate? Is it within our grasp or subject to circumstances beyond our influence? Some say people are shaped by circumstances, yet experiences contradict this notion. The root of control remains elusive—does it align with our will or only manifest under favorable circumstances? What other forces govern our existence, and can we assert our desires in an unsupportive environment? And when things go awry, who bears responsibility? Is it us, others, or forces beyond our comprehension?

These questions spawn an endless maze of inquiry, seeking answers that often elude us. Perhaps some attempt to theorize, viewing life as a string of hypotheses awaiting testing and validation. But life transcends mere theory—it's a realm where emotions interplay with facts, where randomness disproves rigid theories. A prevalent mistake lies in the fear of making errors, leading lives astray, irreversible to a point.

Does deviating from the norm render one dense, delusional, or perhaps innovative, following a distinct rhythm unheard by others? Yet, turning over a new leaf often unearths buried complexities akin to discovering an aphid under a gardener's fresh foliage. Age bestows experiences, labeled as "experience," but fundamentally, they're mistakes engraved in our past, indelible imprints on the tablets of our history. Attempts to erase these marks often lead to burying the tablets, a metaphorical battle with our inner demons—a fight we wage alongside our adversaries.

As these thoughts swirl in a maelstrom, coherence evades this discourse. Perhaps this pondering will continue at another juncture, unraveling the labyrinth of life's enigmatic truths.


tropical seagull said...

"mistakes, we call them "experience" but in the end they are mistakes...mistakes which can not be changed...they are etched into our past like writing on a stone tablet"
is ur mind a stone tablet?
for heavens sake no! its a mass of fat. of nervous tissue. even scientists dont know what its made of! and god knows where the memories are.. for all u know, its not even there and u just choose to recall it!

Vishwas said...

You’re almost there. It’s the circumstances which make a person look bad or do something wrong. Every human is programmed to be good. It’s just the circumstances that make him or her not be good enough. When our minds understand this fact, that’s when we will able to take charge of our lives. That’s when we will be able to decide what we want and what we do not need. That’s when all the unanswered questions be answered. But not many are aware of this and not many are willing to acknowledge this fact. Hence all the chaos and unhappiness and all that shit. As for your “experience” part, I totally agree with you!

Anwar Hussain said...


Kapila Pande said...

@ anwar
whats so funny?

laddu said...
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