Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Humanity? LMAO

I have turned into a sour grape of late – nothing seems to please my critical eye…fault finding has become my favorite pass time – something I require little or no effort to do…I wasn’t always this way – my world was jaundiced by the fact that I believed in the essential goodness of mankind – everyone is good, circumstances make them act in bad ways. All that has gone now – some of you might say I have “matured” but I assure you when it comes to being juvenile I still take the cake. Maturity hasn’t got much to do with it – I’d say I’m like the cat who sat on the stove and burnt her bum – then thought twice before sitting on it again…things happen, people change, we grow older – all a part of life I hear you say? Hell no! This is more like the start of life. One thing that never stops amusing me is how many facets a human being can have – we can put any chameleon to shame by the way we “adapt” to different “situations”. Then comes our stubbornness – whoever thought mules were stubborn needs to investigate the psyche of a human being, and then think twice before being so judgmental about the ass (no pun intended).

I feel like I am turning into a misanthrope with each passing day – the more people I come across the more I begin to hate our race. I am not prejudiced against any gender – I hate all equally. Men think the world belongs to them just because they have stuff hanging between their legs. They think they have the right to walk in and trod on anyone (females to be more precise) and get away with it. Most decisions taken by them are governed by what-lies-between-the-legs rather than that-which-is-NOT-present-between-the-ears...but before people start screaming “FEMINIST – RUNNNN”, I’d like to look at the other side of the coin. Women aren’t all that holier than thou either – with a few exceptions as exceptions are always there – women bitch about women – even those who they claim are their bff’s/sisters/whatever else they are called. They don’t think twice before stabbing a loved one in the back with a pick made of ice so as not to leave any marks behind – they are born conniving b*tches if I may say so myself. Tears are their most lethal weapon of assault against “vulnerable men” (pun intended) and “hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”.

Gone are the days of Sita/Rama or Mary/Joseph…we’re living in Lucifers lair. Pretentiousness, vile and evil are things people don’t need to learn – they are in built. One never knows who to trust because quite frankly everyone has an ulterior motive and once their job is done they move on and your existence is reduced to dust – not worth the memory space. Such things just diminish any respect I had for humanity…can we truly claim superiority above animals? Quite honestly I don’t think so. We aren’t even worth being on the same level as animals I feel. Again this is a personal opinion but I am sure I have opened a Pandora’s Box. People are going to retort and try very hard to restore my faith in humanity by posing various arguments/philosophies/points of view but at that point in time – they would know as well as I do already – that even they have an ulterior motive for doing so ;)


laddu said...

we can put any chameleon to shame by the way we “adapt” to different “situations”
totally agreed....so true....

n i would just like 2 say dat again u r seeing only 1 side of d coin....n m not giving any arguments/philosophies/points neither do i have any ulterior motive 4 saying so....

keep writing....:):)

Tys on Ice said...

:)...i admit, iam here with an ulterior motive...i have no idea wht it is but normally i read a blog and then move on...i stay awhile with ones that seems honest and interesting...rarely do i comment...but ur views are thought provoking...i recall this times in my life too...it will pass u know...it did for me..might do for u also...i am a diagnosed misanthrope...so lets just say that from one kindered soul to another... thumbs up...

btw, read ur older posts too...nice....

Anonymous said...

you're dwindling in pessimissm. you sound like a stubborn person who's only objective seems to watch the world and criticize it.
the reason because the world moves is because you HAVE TO move.
not sit and crib.

Kapila Pande said...

sometimes due to the way we perceive things we tend to assume that the coin only has one face...mayb i'm biased but then its just an opinion

thank u so much for the comment - i am honoured...i am just waiting for things to lighten up for me...but my patience is fast running out

u sir/ma'am seem to be a gutless sob who has nothing better to do in life than criticise my work - how did tht sound? whoever u are i just have a little piece of advice for u - if u dont know the whole picture, keep ur expert comments to urself - who are u to make assumptions about me? do u even know me? how do u know my sole purpose in life is to watch the world and criticise it? its people like u who force me to do what i do. next time u have something to say - do me a favour - find ur balls and post ur name - dont hide under the garb of anonimity - its totally not cool

Anonymous said...

criticizing helps in making things better...helps by not keeping us placid...staying stubborn makes people endearing....increases their endurance...so...would'nt it be better to sit...criticize..eventually do something....then just keep moving aimlessly??moving the world...

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