Voodoo, sorcery, satanic verse,
Renouncing the spirit, accepting the curse.
Embracing a world of deceit and sin,
Killing the essence of the soul within.
Sold my soul, for a half a dime,
And 10 shots of tequila, sans the lime.
Inebriated by the grandeur of the deadly sins,
Annoyed and mortified, overcome by chagrin.
Trading godliness for moments of unbridled lust,
Spiritual sloth reduced the ashes to dust.
Satanic enterprise fuelled by greed,
Upon vainglory his pride did feed.
Lucifer conjured up in thy envious heart,
Enough wrath to tear heaven apart.
Gluttony rode past on a filthy swine,
The apocalypse’s now said the seventh sign.
Dressed in an alb and a purple stole,
Tracing a pentagram out with charcoal.
Let the hexes and curses be null and void,
Building back what’s been destroyed.
Defenceless against the devil’s snare,
Beyond any deliverance or salvation prayer.
Commanding out the sins with forceful power,
As the belfry rings in the witching hour.
In a world of occult and mystics galore,
Unholy blood stained the church floor.
Faith be damned and religion be mocked,
Black mass conducted by a priest defrocked.
Bound and gagged at the sacrificial altar,
Driven by dark forces, never to falter.
Working out salvation with fear,
And trembling to know the end is near.
Given up the ghost for the shadows realm,
Riding a barge with Satan at the helm.
Peddling upstream instead of down,
Robbing the King of Kings of his crown.
Performing the ritual in the astral temple,
Turning Time’s wheel with a broken axle.
With blood pledged thee unholy allegiance,
A dawning malice outgrows its nascence.
Better to rein in Hell than serve in Heaven,
Temptation and wanting exhorting the brethren.
Pilgrims of the Age of Fire invoke the dead,
By replacing the lamb with the sabbatic goats head.
The hand that writ scriptures turned to stone,
The rituals that followed tore flesh off the bone.
Just as Eve plucked the apple from the cursèd tree,
What will be, will be – for the future is not ours to see.
hey, check out my latest to post to collect an award i have given you. hope you like it. keep the good work coming :)
not your usual.....but quite an insightful work none-the-less....an account of being so closer to evil(Satan,Lucifer)..begs the question....is conquering of hell a better option to just entering heaven??
looks as though the darkness of the outcasts and the morally gray holds a more promising retreat than the conscience that is clear....tell me would'nt the surrender to the sins and our pleasures make us liable to the wrath,while still not best of satan's spawns?
for starters this whole concept of good and evil/hell and heaven is pretty much the same to me...if one didnt exist the other wudnt either...moreso faith is merely an anchor...some people look at god as the anchor that keeps them steady and others prefer to embrace the darkness...so it all depends on where you see the "light"
@anonymous person
does it now?interesting..i cant totally disagree with u but it all depends on what u believe in...there are people who think religion/doing good is a farse-a breeding place for hypocricy and divisions - for them there is no wrath (atleast not from god...their own conscience is decayed so there wud b no wrath from there either)..i dont see why pleasing our senses is regarded as a sin by most puritans...if it werent for desires...there would be no sin...without sin there would be no evil...lack of evil would clearly blurr the definition of good wouldnt it...
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