This entry is "work in progress"...started writing it because i was bored...couldn't complete it because i got bored...sigh
Every other person who lives in India seems to have an opinion about the 26/11 blasts…most of which have targeted Muslim’s/Pakistani’s/Jehadi’s/Extremists etc. Our nation (especially Delhiites) has cried itself hoarse in protest against the violence, the unruffled attitude of the police, Ram Gopal Varma’s visit to “inspect” the damages to the Taj Hotel…and the list could go on forever. So it became a moral obligation for me to write something to show my “support” to my fellow Indians. So here’s the deal - for those of you who live in caves and aren’t in tune with what’s been happening in Mumbai – Terrorists came into our country, slapped the Indian Government, gave the minister’s wedgies and ran away cracking lewd jokes about their tacky choice in underwear…and then the nation was up in arms in protest! Kudos to us!
Have you ever wondered why any of the “proud” Indians have never tried to intercept such “problems” before they blow up in our face? It’s very easy to point fingers at Muslims/Extremists/the Police force/the neighbours dog but why is it that the nation needs a 23/11 to wake up and show solidarity? We claim to be a secular nation, equality for all religions and bla bla bla…how much of that actually holds in reality? Maybe a “bhaiya” from Mumbai would be able to answer that question more objectively. The point is – Indians don’t care about their own country. We are a land of selfish, self-obsessed, self-indulging people who don’t really give a flying rats ass about what’s going on around them until ofcourse the blast rocks their own foundation. And then starts the blame game that ends in some minority being singled out and held responsible for the great calamity.
Now before anyone assumes I am pro-terrorism and starts taking my case apart, I’d like to make one thing very clear about this article – its random, and it was the “in” thing to do in the given situation…and no, I am not a terrorist, nor am I affiliated to any extremist organisation promoting a holy war. The main crux of this article is to pose a few questions that you have probably thought of at some point in time but dismissed quite quickly…why is it that ALL terrorists are Muslim? Or Pakistani’s? Why isn’t there ever a 9/11 or 23/11 in Pakistan? Is it because all terrorists live there and it just wouldn’t be right to bomb their own back yards? Well to some extent this might be true – looking at it from a majority point of view but I personally beg to differ. The main reason behind this “phenomenon” is that people over there are united – they don’t need a calamity to unite them. One may argue that the Shia’s and Sunni’s don’t exactly share a very healthy relationship with each other but put them in a conditioning camp to fight for Islam/Pakistan and watch how they come together…can the same be said about our country? On the face of it everyone would want to agree because afterall this is now a matter of saving face infront of terrorist but the truth begs to differ…even though Muslims have united for a very unjustified cause – the fact remains that they are united – and I think we Indians have a lot to learn from our terrorist neighbours
1 comment:
its comparatively easier to unite for a destructive cause than for a peaceful there are many examples...
but some facts are a bit this....
war always brings unity....history is witness...but war also brings death....that is what goes against the passive indianess....
if unity through a COMMON ENEMY is the the preamble....starting with SIC VIS PACEM PARA BELLUM.....(if u want peace,prepare for war)
and lets bomb them back to the dark ages....but does UNITY BASED ON SUCH A PRINCIPLE WORK....WHERE WILL IT GO WHEN THERE IS NOBODY TO FIGHT???
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