Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Dear God

Dear God ,

I hope you are there, cuz’ I have a really important prayer
I pray that you gimme a heart made of stone, 
That’s rid of emotions and not so heartbreak prone.
I hope you keep all these morons out of my hair

I fail to see why, before woman you made man?
With him you brought upon such misery and doom
For our betterment you say? That’s too much to presume
Masking a mistake so grave in sucha short span…

Men are so useless, so annoying and vile,
They care not for feeling – all they do is pretend
They give two hoots to the means - what matters is the end
Did you honestly make them to make us smile?

I hope you are listening to me loud and clear
You had better get me out of this cycle of devotion
Or I swear to you – I’ll make it hell up in heaven!
For all I care ‘they’ can kiss my rear!

When we were little they were tolerable so,
But as we grew up and thus began the disaster
Where I was the puppet and he the master
I’m through getting dumped – just so you know!

Just who do these assh*les think that they are
We were made from their rib not a pile of dung
Did you in the process accidentally puncture their lung?
God make ‘em realize we’re better – if not at par

Day one we are princesses and the transition is quick
One day we wake up and it’s all gone – the colours fade
Broken are all the dreams they showed and we once made
Teach them, o lord, to think with their heads not with their d*ck

Dear God, I hope you’ve heard and got my plea straight
There lie two options before the all knowing
Either fix ‘em up or curb their numbers from growing 
For once just listen to me and change things – lets not debate


I am pretty sure this little nonsensical rhyme will raise alot of controversy - I am waiting :)


Anuj said...

don't u think its wee-bit too trivial??i mean the poems nice and all..but its like saying all chicks know are shoes and shopping...soo much battering...:0

Kapila Pande said...

hehehe its meant to be trivial dumbo...prolly comes from d brain of a girl who knows nothing but shoes n shopping :P
just me trying to get into the psyche of a "girl" ...i dont care too much of the existance of the not so fair sex - u exist we exist...big tryina b all girlyyyy.gah!

laddu said...

I am pretty sure this little nonsensical rhyme will raise alot of controversy - I am waiting :)

tell me 1 thing..u have written dis just 2 raise some controversy or u really believe in wat all u have said??

Kapila Pande said...

hmmm well i part believe in wats been said - i wud have made it more emotional but then that wud be revealing too much of me - so i turned to jest to save the day..!

Vishwas said...

Lol! I understand why you wrote this! Ok now please don't attack me since I too belong to the male species! Lol couldn't stop laughing whilst reading it! Lung dung! Lol Funny!

Kapila Pande said...

hehehe im glad u liked it :D
its been ages how have u been?

Vishwas said...

I'm alright, thanks for asking! How are things with you? Well you see I'm asking you this since I've not judged you by your blog! Shit didn't make any sense! But don't worry so tell me :P

Ketan said...


I was actually smiling while reading the poem. Was concerned if my comment about how I found the poem funny, would've hurt you. But as you can see, I now I don't care ;)

Really enjoyable! Liked the way you talked to GOD!

Take care.

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